Sunday, April 5, 2015

 Good Sleep = Good Health

Not getting enough sleep and/or not sleeping well is not good for your health. Furthermore, there is a price to pay. Chronic sleep deprivation significantly affects your health, performance, safety, and pockets. 

 What Causes Bad Sleep

 The stresses of daily life may interfere with our ability to sleep well, or perhaps we trade sleep for more work or play. We may have medical or mental-health conditions that disrupt our sleep, and be well aware that we are sleep-deprived.
However, it is critically important to realize that sleep deprivation is very often due to unrecognized sleep disorders. After a typical night's sleep, you may not feel restored and refreshed and be sleepy during the day, but be very unaware that you are sleep-deprived or have a sleep disorder. You might think, "It's just the stress of work or the kids," or you might have "always felt this way" and had no idea that you should feel differently. This lack of awareness compounds the consequences, because so many people remain undiagnosed for years.

Sleep Hide Tired Lying Man / BizE-Ton


Sleeping in school…MC Quinn   3.30.2015

What It Can Do !

  • Decreased Performance and Alertness
  • Memory and Cognitive Impairment
  • Stress Relationships
  • Poor Quality of Life
  • Automobile Injury

YOUR SLEEP IS NOT NOR WILL EVER BE A BANK. You will not be able store it up and then go days on little sleep.  Nor can you overdraw without penalty and then make up sleep needs on weekends.Sleep deprivation reduces emotional intelligence and thinking skills. It affects body weight, the immune system, and more.